TEATRO METAMORFOSIS . Carrer de Tapioles, 12 - Veure mapa
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Organitzat per Teatro Metamorfosis
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descripció de l'esdeveniment


By Michael Hollinger

A play in two acts


Welcome to Priseaux, France, c. 1250 A.D.: The river flooded again last week. The

chandler's shop just burned to the ground. Nobody's heard of the wheelbarrow yet.

And Ste. Foy, the patron of the local monastery, hasn't worked a miracle in thirteen

years. In other words, the Dark Ages still look pretty dark. All eyes turn to the Pope,

whose promised visit will surely encourage other pilgrims to make the trek and

restore the abbey to its former glory. That is, until a rival church claims to possess

the relics of Ste. Foy—and their bones are working miracles. All seems lost until the

destitute monks take a lesson from a larcenous one-eyed minstrel, who teaches

them an outrageous new way to pay old debts.



Starring: Mara Ambrosie, Patrick Beverley, Kurtis Bright, Bünyamin Cicek, Alex

Jacob, Matthew Murtha, Victoria Russell and Alice Russo

Directed by: Patrick Beverley, Kurtis Bright and Alice Russo

Produced by: Alice Russo

door´s tickets  15 EUROS

Política d'accés

En aquest cas el promotor no ha especificat la política d'accés a menors, si tens qualsevol dubte, t'animem et posis en contacte directament amb ell.


una comedia muy santa
una comedia muy hilarante, que se va cocinado lentamente hasta un final explosivo, y sinceramente muy divertido… Pier se ganó mi corazón.
Pavel Silva Va assistir el 14/02/2025
Really great production!
I super enjoyed the production! It was layered, funny and well-written. I especially enjoyed how the actors infused even more life and depth into the characters… Overall super enjoyable!
Natalie Webb Va assistir el 7/02/2025
An unique show in Barcelona
An original story with a lot of plot twists and funny moments. Unique characters that make you laugh and have an unique experience in Barcelona.
Teo Va assistir el 7/02/2025
Fun, engaging, just brilliant!
I knew nothing bout the play beforehand and I was pleasantly surprised!
Sara Va assistir el 7/02/2025
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